Whitby Golf Club's Ladies' Open 2024: A Memorable Day on the Green


Whitby Golf Club's Ladies' Open 2024: A Memorable Day on the Green

The Whitby Golf Club hosted a spectacular Ladies' Open 2024, bringing together golf enthusiasts for a day of thrilling competition and camaraderie. The event was marked by a standout performance from Ann Robinson of Fulford Golf Club, who achieved the remarkable feat of a hole in one on the fourth hole. Congratulations, Ann—what an incredible accomplishment! 🥂

Adding to the excitement, members of Otley Golf Club shined in the spot prize categories. Sue Ridyard took home the nearest to the pin prize, while Sadie Wilyman demonstrated her prowess with the longest drive of the day. Both winners will receive M&S vouchers as a token of their success.

The full competition results are detailed in the event comments, showcasing the high level of talent present at the tournament. Congratulations to all participants, and a big thank you to everyone who contributed to making the day so enjoyable.

For those interested in future events, more information about Whitby Golf Club's upcoming Opens can be found on their official website: [Whitby Golf Club Opens](https://www.whitbygolfclub.co.uk/Page/CustomPage?pageId=18078). Stay tuned for more exciting moments from the world of golf!

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