Lower School's Outdoor Learning at Port Regis Golf Club


Lower School's Outdoor Learning at Port Regis Golf Club

The Lower School at Port Regis Golf Club has been immersing themselves in hands-on outdoor learning experiences, adding an interesting twist to their curriculum. Recently, students have been busy foraging for elderflower heads around the school grounds, which they used to make elderflower cordial on the fire. This activity has not only connected them with nature but also taught them valuable life skills and the importance of sustainability.

Last week in PR Plus, the students delved into the craft of hama printing under the guidance of Forest School leader Kate Hathaway. This technique allowed the young learners to create unique prints, which they then ingeniously transformed into boats using bark and sticks. This creative endeavor is all part of the comprehensive outdoor education that Port Regis is committed to providing.

The integration of these engaging activities in the lush surroundings of the golf club has provided the students with a refreshing and inspiring learning environment. As they explore and interact with nature, they develop a deeper appreciation for their environment and learn creative ways to utilize natural resources. With hashtags like #portregis and #lowerschool, and mentions of @thewildoneswoodlandtherapy, these activities are creating ripples on social media, showcasing the club’s unique approach to education. Port Regis Golf Club’s dedication to blending outdoor adventure with learning is setting a new standard in hands-on education.

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