Dan Bardsley Wins 2024 Moor Hall Golf Club Championship


Dan Bardsley Wins 2024 Moor Hall Golf Club Championship

The final putt in our 2024 club championship has been made, and it’s official: Dan Bardsley is the new champion of Moor Hall Golf Club. Bardsley exhibited superb skill and composure, finishing with scores of 71 and 68 for a total of 139. His outstanding performance was enough to secure the top spot in a highly competitive field.

Not to be overlooked, Kevin Desmond also delivered an exemplary showing, capturing the nett club championship title with scores of 62 and 73. Desmond's remarkable display of consistency and precision rounds off an exciting tournament.

Both Bardsley and Desmond's victories add to the legendary lore of the Moor Hall Golf Club and exemplify the dedication and talent within the club. Congratulations to both players for their incredible achievements.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the club members. Your unwavering support and the spirited atmosphere you provided throughout the competition truly made this event special. The essence of golfing camaraderie was on full display, and it’s moments like these that define our club culture.


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