Cheadle Golf Club Members Conquer Longest Day Golf Challenge

💚💚💚 THEY DID IT! 💚💚💚
Massive congratulations to Iain and Cliff for smashing the Longest Day Golf Challenge!
Here's Iain's story, and why he wanted to take on this amazing challenge.
In 2017 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer, I was rushed to hospital and underwent major surgery to remove the Cancer, I ended up with a Stoma Bag. After 6 months of Chemotherapy at The Laurel Suite Stepping Hospital I can happily say I am now Cancer free and no longer have a Stoma Bag. We would like to raise as much money for Macmillan Cancer Support as we can; it is a great charity. I am sure most of us have been affected by Cancer in one way or another and would love to contribute to finding a cure.
Please, if you can, dig deep and donate to support the vital work of @macmillancancer by clicking this link:
#CharityGolf #LongestDayGolfChallenge #Macmillan 💚
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