Xander Schauffele: “I played solid.”
06/14/2020 by Golf Post Editors
Charles Schwab Challenges leader Xander Schauffele about his golfing week in Texas.

THE MODERATOR: We are joined by Xander Schauffele here at the Charles Schwab Challenge. 13-under through 54 holes, put yourself in great position going into Sunday. If we can get an opening comment on today’s round.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I played solid. It was quiet, as always, or at least for the last couple days, and it was fast. We played in twosomes, and it was a good day. You know, I tried to stay as cool as possible, hang out in the shade, and take care of my business.
Q. Can you talk about being back here at Colonial? I think 67 was your best now, and now three rounds better. What have you learned about the course to put yourself in this position?
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Well, playing it more makes me more comfortable, obviously, so that helps. But I think in years prior it was much windier and I didn’t play the greens as great. Just a comfort factor. My caddie has gotten better, as well, in terms of picking lines and doing his job, so I think collectively we’ve done a better job preparing for this week.
Q. Obviously it’s not a major, but when you look at this leaderboard, does it kind of have a major feel to it going into Sunday, or is that kind of a clich?
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I think the fans sort of make majors, as well, so not having any out here is a bit tricky, but respectively, yeah, you look at the names on the leaderboard, it’s sort of what I expected, just everyone coming out of quarantine wanted to play, and I think the next three weeks that will really show.
Q. Along those lines, you said this was kind of what you expected given the field, and I understand that. Wasn’t there a bit of uncertainty I would think for everybody after three months? I’m sure you had no idea where your game was.
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I mean, I’ve been playing and practicing for about a month now. I think certain areas were open, certain were closed. It was sort of a mixed bag. Yeah, you know, once word got out that we were teeing it up and we were ready to go, I think word spread that everyone was going to play the first three or the first five or whatever it is. I think everyone has just been stuck at home and excited to do what we love to do, which is come out and play some golf.
Q. Just wanted to ask you, when did it start feeling like a normal tournament? Was there any point this week that it’s like, all right, we’re back in it, this is what we do, that type of thing? Or has it never really felt normal?
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I mean, I’m not one to really — I’m kind of a quiet guy, I guess, so I’m not — I don’t have like a huge effect on the crowd I’d say, so not having fans isn’t the craziest thing to me. It just does feel like I’m playing at home with some of my buddies. It’s quiet. You make three birdies in a row, you can kind of give yourself a pat on the back. That’s kind of it. I think it sort of felt like a tournament right when we got on-site. Just playing a practice round, it just felt right being back out here. It’s kind of nice they put the ropes up even thought we don’t really need them. It makes it feel like a tournament. For the most part it is quiet, and I think everyone is kind of dealing with it in their own way.
Q. What kind of vibe are you anticipating for tomorrow? Obviously you’re going to be in contention. Do you anticipate it’s going to be different than a usual setting when you’re in the hunt?
XANDER SCHAUFFELE: You know, I think it’s tricky. I think it’ll feel almost like amateur golf or junior golf where we all want to win. We all want to compete, and we’re all super competitive. When we were younger and playing in college or over the summer an amateur schedule, it was quiet. There weren’t any fans out, and we all were kind of going head-to-head, and everyone wanted it just as much as the next guy in line. I sort of feel like it might kind of feel like that tomorrow where coming down the stretch if you’re in the hunt, everyone is going to be — at least leaderboards are up, that kind of helps, but it’ll be really quiet and everyone is going to be minding their own business.
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