Golf Post with record numbers as Golf season starts late
05/06/2020 by Golf Post Editors
Golf Post is pleased to report that access and user figures on its recently re-launched platform have reached record levels during 2020.

In April 2020, more than 330,000 unique users informed themselves on our Golf Post platform about all topics related to golf. The focus of our reporting and content was set on various topics related to the COVID-19 crisis. From the very first day of the crisis, the Golf Post team highlighted the challenges and developments concerning the golf market. We quickly and efficiently developed informative formats to keep all golfers up to date.
Golf Post informs over 500,000 golfers during the “lockdown”
Beginning with the closure of all golf courses in April, an unprecedented period of stagnation and uncertainty for the entire golf market had begun. In the course of the global “lockdown”, Golf Post launched a video-interview series called “Crisis Talks” and gave numerous personalities and players from golf the opportunity to talk about their views and worries at this time. This provided exciting and meaningful insight that now may be found on the Golf Post platform.
Find the interviews in German here
At the same time, the Golf Post team immediately contacted the operators of the golf courses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and identified the golf courses, which were still open the beginning of the “lockdown” and to fill out surveys. On the basis of these subsequently optimized and expanded surveys, we could also illustrate the re-opening of the courses as the lockdown measures were eased.
In further reports, analyses, and news about the COVID-19 crisis, the Golf Post team uncovered possible scenarios for the time after the “lockdown” and reported on the effects on both professional and amateur sport. All content concerning the Corona crisis may, of course, be found here on the Golf Post platform.
Current reading recommendations
Golf Post is No. 1 in Germany now
According to the analysis of the web statistics company SimilarWeb, Golf Post received 20% of the golf-related traffic in Germany in April 2020. This is twice as much as the second-best provider In Switzerland and Austria, Golf Post also ranked among the top 3.
In total, Golf Post shows more hits in April 2020 than the homepage of the European Tour, which is one of the most accessed websites in golf. Despite the complete freeze in professional sport and the resulting postponement of the US Masters, Golf Post achieved a growth of over 40% in April 2020. In this time than 700,000 visits to the Golf Post platform show that our reporting and the offered content are very well received by golfers, even despite the absence of “traffic drivers” such as the US Masters.
Golf Post is the first and best source of information
While the golf courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are gradually re-opening and the measures are being eased, golfers inform themselves on the Golf Post platform. The transparent and high-quality reporting in times of “lockdown” made Golf Post the number one source of information for all golf-related topics.
This fact will ensure that golfers will still be looking for information, recommendations, and all kinds of offers on the Golf Post platform even after the restart in the golf business. With a new platform, the Golf Post team has created the ideal environment for this demand and is looking forward to the delayed starting of the season 2020.
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